Fully enclosed, 11 centiemes (1,419 square meters), ready to build, prime land available in Vivy Mitchell, Petion-Ville, Haiti. Vivy Mitchel is a personal, secured and enclosed village situated East of Puits Blain, and northeast of Bois Neuf.Equally important, Pétion-Ville is a wealthy suburb to the southeast of Port-au-Prince, in Central Haiti. Embassy of the United States in Haiti situated 3 km north of Vivy Mitchel.
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Fully enclosed, 11 centiemes (1,419 square meters), ready to build, prime land available in Vivy Mitchell, Petion-Ville, Haiti. Vivy Mitchel is a personal, secured and enclosed village situated East of Puits Blain, and northeast of Bois Neuf.Equally important, Pétion-Ville is a wealthy suburb to the southeast of Port-au-Prince, in Central Haiti. Embassy of the United States in Haiti situated 3 km north of Vivy Mitchel.

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